The 10 modules of Business Alchemy

What you will learn in this program

  • 1. Intention

    Get clarity and set your intention to create the business that you want.

  • 2. Alignment

    Learn how to support your intention and bring it into alignment.

  • 3. Synchronicity

    How to create more synchronistic moments to support your intention.

  • 4. The Shadow

    How to diagnose and unearth the hidden blocks that are preventing you from creating the business that you want.

  • 5. Flow

    Businesses that are in flow naturally support their goals and aims. This module shows you how to support flow at every level throughout your business.

  • 6. Business as an Organism

    How to ensure that all aspects of your business are in balance and harmony.

  • 7. Simplicity

    How to take the complexity out of your business which keeps you stuck and embrace simplicity in order to thrive.

  • 8. Not Knowing

    How to operate from a place of 'not knowing' which is infinitely more powerful than seeking to run your business from a place of 'knowing'.

  • 9. Quantum Field Theory

    This module will demonstrate how you can create the best version of your business by understanding what lies beyond the quantum level.

  • 10. The Infinite

    This final module will show you how to operate your business from a place of infinite possibility.

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